Continuing my 2020 Lenten Journey- with personal thoughts and commentary by Martha McDuff Wiggins on the book “Lord I Want To Know You” by Kay Arthur.
Day 4
Elohim, The Creator…
On day 3 we came to realize that God both desires and expects us to call upon His name in our day of trouble. We know that first and foremost He is LORD, our Creator, a strong tower into which we can run and be safe.
As we go forward, with our new understanding of His desire for us to call upon Him, we will learn many of His beautiful names and how each can be specifically called upon in our individual circumstances. We will come to know the many and varied facets of God’s love for us.
In the book we read the primary word translated as God in the Old Testament is the name Elohim. In Genesis it is used as the name for God, The Creator. In Deuteronomy 10:17 we read “The Lord your God (Elohim) is the God of Gods…”
For us to know Elohim as a name we can run to, we first must understand it’s meaning. The beginning part, El, means mighty, strong, and is used in reference to gods. The ending part, him, is a plural ending in the Hebrew language that denotes three or more. Using the name Elohim, Genesis 1:1 would be translated “In the beginning Gods created the heavens and the earth.” This does not mean there is more than one God. What it does is reference, or give credence to, the triune Godhead, the Holy Trinity. Together, God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit, (Elohim!) created the heavens and earth, every living being; you and me. The first time I read this in my non-denominational Bible Study years ago, I found it very enlightening. The Trinity is at best a difficult concept to grasp. The name of Elohim brought a new clarity for me.
If Elohim, God the Creator, the triune Godhead, gave us life and created us for Him that He May be glorified, then we are truly wonderfully made. Not one of us is an accident! (Let that sink in.) We are formed exactly as Elohim desired us to be. This includes even the parts of us that we may look upon as imperfect, or damaged in some way.
In Exodus 4:11 we hear the Lord say, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?”
We wonder why would He do that… make a being who is not perfect? It’s another hard concept to grasp, but yet one we all need to understand. When the disciples questioned our Lord about a man blind from birth, Jesus informed them, “It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was in order that the works of God might be displayed in him” (John 9:3 and directly quoted from the book).
That’s hard to hear. It’s especially hard if you are born with a physical or some other kind of impairment, have a child or grandchild with one, or know and love someone who does. But, it can also be freeing to know that God intended it, and did so that He May be glorified. It’s often difficult to see the why and how it is to glorify Him, and that’s where you find Elohim as a name you can call upon in your distress for you (or your loved ones). He made you for Himself. He alone knows what He has asked of you. He alone knows where it is taking you.
He is Elohim! – God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit. In His name you find your Creator, your Savior, and your Enlightenment. You have answers to the Why, the Way, and the Wisdom: which are that You were created with intent, not by accident; that He both desires and commands calling upon His name, promising He will hear and come to be with you in your distress; and that confidently boasting in the name of God, you bring glory to Him, thereby lighting the path for others to also know and call upon His name.
Mental action to facilitate your Lenten Journey:
If you are not happy with yourself the way you are, or with your child, spouse, or another loved one, call it what it is, and then run straight into the strong tower that is the name of Elohim! Ask Him to show you how wonderfully made you (and they) are. Ask Him to help you use whatever it is to bring Him glory. If you are sincere He will know, and He will hear and answer you. 💖🙏🏻
Further action if so inclined:
Commit to memory: ‘Knowledge + Faith = Confidence’.
Use it to help you remember that to know His Name and to call upon Him in faithful trust is to be confident in His promises.💖😇
Will not be posting on Sundays… Next post will be on Monday. The day referenced at the beginning of each post does not coincide with the actual day of Lent. 😁