Continuing my 2020 Lenten Journey- with personal thoughts and commentary by Martha McDuff Wiggins on the book “Lord I Want To Know You” by Kay Arthur.
Day Two:
On Day One we got to know God a bit more by His Name, LORD. He created you. He loves you like no other being can. And yet, there are many who are not able to approach Him in their times of need. Why is that?
In the book, Kay Arthur, says it is because we cannot boast in the name of our God. We cannot boast because we lack confidence, and probably not in the way you are thinking right now. “To boast in means to have confidence in, to trust in.” (A Direct Quote).
Yes, we often lack confidence in ourselves, especially in living up to expectations; those put on us by others, and most especially our own expectations to be whom He created us to be. However, our greatest lack of confidence is actually in God Himself.
Kay Arthur also writes, “To boast in God’s name means to have confidence in His name. In Biblical times, a name represented a person’s character. God’s name represents His character, His attributes, His nature. To know His name is to know Him. To boast in His name is to have confidence in who He is!”
”To know His name is to know Him“. Let that sink in. Write it upon your heart. So, in learning about and knowing the various names of the Lord, as we are doing here, we will be able to boast. We will become confident in who He is and will be able to approach Him more easily. And, calling out His name, maybe even run into His loving, waiting arms.
Mental action to facilitate your Lenten Journey:
You know His name- LORD
You know Him- Your Loving Creator
Repeat a few times slowly with intention: “Your are my LORD. I am created by Your Love, In Your Love, and For Your Love.”
Your goal is to mentally write it on your heart and feel confident in its TRUTH. Return to it mentally and repeat often throughout your day. 🙏🏻💖
Further action if so inclined:
Find a way at least once today to boast in the name of the LORD. Let someone else know your confidence is in Him who loves you. He will hear, and you will feel His Love for you in a very special way. 💖😇