“He was in the world, and through Him the world was made, yet the world knew Him not.” John 1:10
“White noise” such as ambient background music, a low hum, or a high pitch whine, is often piped into offices as a sound neutralizer. It acts as a barrier to prevent private conversations from being overheard, and to allow employees to focus better by eliminating unwanted sound distractions. At first the white noise might easily be heard by the employees, but soon fades into oblivion and they no longer know it is even there.
In reality, our everyday lives are filled with white noise: TV, radio, traffic sounds, mall music, conversations. Go a step further and consider that even the thoughts running through our mind are white noise. With all that noise and all those thoughts processing through our heads at any given moment, it is a wonder that we can truly focus on anything. But, somehow we do. We learn to ‘tune out’ what isn’t necessary. The problem with tuning out things is that we often miss something important. We might see the bird, but do we hear it singing?
With the onset of Christmas decorations, music, and advertising starting earlier and earlier each year we may be experiencing a whole new type of white noise. During Advent we might see the Christmas decorations. We might hear the Christmas Carols, but do we experience their true meaning, their true joy, or does it become just white noise? Do we focus on our hectic ‘to do’ lists or on the Christmas Season’s inner stirrings of our soul?
Do we see the Christ child laying in the manger with the Star shinning brightly above as just a symbol, or a profound truth? Has it become just white noise? If so, we need to slow our pace, focus, and pay attention to the inner stirrings of our soul. We need to listen to actually hear the birds singing, to hear the Spirit speaking to our heart urging us to prepare a room for Him.