“and they said to the woman, ‘Now we believe no longer because of what you told us; we have heard him ourselves and we know that he is indeed the Saviour of the world.” John 4:42
Do you believe? If so, why do you believe? If you don’t believe, then why not?
Belief in God, in Jesus, in The Holy Spirit does not come easy for some people. For some the concepts are too thought provoking. They don’t ever take the time to examine their thoughts and feelings. For others belief in God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit is too restricting. They do not want to be held accountable. Still others have issues. They feel life has mistreated them and refuse to believe in a God who they feel has hurt them. And then there are those who say there is no real proof of His existence.
Those who believe also have many reasons for doing so. For some it is a belief system they were born into and never questioned, never owned for themselves. Some believe because others believe, or because others, whom they respect have told them what to believe.
In today’s Gospel, the woman at the well believes because Jesus, whom she has never met, can tell her whole life’s story. She has heard of Christ who is to come and who will be able to explain everything. She asks Him about this. Jesus says to her, “That is who I am, I who speak to you.” (John 4:26) The woman then hurries back to the town and tells everyone what she has learned. At first the people believe because of what she tells them. After they go and hear Jesus for themselves, they believe on the strength of what He tells them.
God calls on you to own what you believe. He sent His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to explain everything to you. To hear what He has to say read the Gospels. Read in your Bible to learn what you believe and why you believe it. Only then can you own your faith. Only then can you share your faith.