Basilica Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome, Italy, (Basilica of St. Mary over Minerva) taken by Martha Wiggins, 2011. Saint Catherine of Siena is buried beneath the altar, and to the left is a statue carved by Michelangelo -Christ Bearing The Cross.
“When they did not find Him, they returned to Jerusalem looking for Him. Then, after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers.” Luke 2:45-47
As a mother or a father, we can all imagine the frightening experience Mary and Joseph went through when they realized their son was lost. They thought he had been with them all along as part of their group. Returning to Jerusalem they found him in the temple, His Father’s House. He was amazed that they would not think to look for Him there.
We often find ourselves lost too. Maybe we have drifted slowly away, or maybe we are living in sin, but we are separated from Jesus. How do we find Him again? We look in the temple. We look inside.
Each of us are a temple. Our bodily temple houses our soul, where the Lord abides within us. Turn within and seek Him with your whole heart. When you want salvation as much as a drowning man wants air, you will find Him. He is always there. While you may have separated from Him, He has never left you.
Are you lost? Remember there is more than one kind of temple. Yes, you can find Jesus in a church temple, and yes, you can find Him in a bodily temple, but you must seek Him.