“God highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name above every other name, So that at Jesus’ name every knee must bend in the heavens, on the earth, and every tongue proclaim to the glory of God the Father: JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!” Philippians 2:9-11
If you have visited the ‘About’ page of this website, you have seen My Pet Peeve: I think it is terribly unfair that every time the name Martha is
used in old movies it is to portray an old maid, a fat housekeeper, a doddering old fool, or some other undesirable character! Growing up I always thought that Martha was an old lady’s name. Martha Stewart wasn’t yet a household name, and Martha in the Bible was the one who was scolded by Jesus for being too busy to spend time just being with Him! I didn’t really like my name. The only saving grace for me was that my Mom told me, if she hadn’t named me Martha, I would have been named Matilda. I did like Martha better than Matilda!
Over my lifetime I have come to accept, maybe even to like, the name Martha. I especially have learned to relate to Martha in the Bible. I am just like her! I am always, always busy. It wasn’t until this past year I learned how to become still before God. I always had a very active prayer life; one in which I did all the talking! Stillness has added much to my prayer routine, and to my life. It has brought me to the point of this blog! I have also known others named Martha in my life that I liked very much, and helped to change my opinion. I hope I have lived up to the name I have been given. Biblical Martha learned, while earthly duties are important and must be accomplished, heavenly duties must take priority. Earthly duties will end, heavenly duties are eternal!
What is in a name? According to the above Bible verse, a whole lot! Jesus holds the name above every other name! Every knee shall bend at the sound of His name. No other name on earth has had a more profound effect than the name of Jesus. There is no other name we can call upon to free us from sin, to save us from hell, and to lead us to Life Eternal. Bend your knee before Him. Ask His forgiveness for your sins, and live a life worthy of His name, so you may share in the grace of everlasting life with Him.