“Turn from evil, and do good; seek peace, and follow after it.” Psalm 34: 15
In the bustling season of Advent we often get in such a hurry to get things accomplished we don’t really see the other person. They are part of the crowd that is in our way, slowing us down, trying our patience. When we slow down to look at them, are they in a hurry, impatient with others, even with us? When we look at them do we see ourselves? Do we look at them and wish they would hurry up out of our way?
Advent is a season of Peace. Jesus comes to bring Peace to the world, peace to our heart. To become a people of peace, we must first find peace within our own hearts. It has to begin in and with our self.
An Advent experiment: Be the person you want others to be. Pay close attention though, because it is hard to live up to the standards we often wish to hold others to. But also see, when we do, others respond accordingly. Can you smile at EVERY person you come in contact with? Can you make the others in the cash register line laugh and smile, or make the cashier glad you came through their line? Be the person you want others to be.

This is so true! Love it!
I actually tried to smile at every single person I came in contact with one day. It isn’t easy. A lot of passers by won’t even look at you, or they look at you like you are an idiot. There are a lot who smile back though. It is kind of interesting to try!