Welcome to Martha’s Orbit and Martha’s Orbital Buzz. This is a simple site rooted in simple faith. I invite you into my orbital path to take wing for awhile and return with a renewed vigor to stay the course in your own orbit around God, the center of the universe, the origin of all life.
- Orbit – (defined by Webster’s Dictionary) n. path of a satellite around a celestial body.
- Orbit – (defined by Martha) n. individual life path around the celestial body of God, Our Heavenly Father.
We are placed into our orbit by God at birth, and retrieved by Him at death. We live, breathe, and grow in our orbit; in our orbit is harmony. When we deviate from our orbit’s path chaos ensues. We are held in our orbit by Faith; Faith in Jesus, The Son of God. It is my hope to provide inspiration for your journey by sharing my own faith. In the ‘About’ page link you will find some candid info about myself, and in ‘The Journey Through The Stillness’ page link there is an explanation of how I came to the point of sharing my journey publicly and creating this site. Feel free to read and leave comments here. I look forward to reading and sharing!

Be sure and come back for more Orbital Buzz! Tommorow I plan to post my thoughts on the first week of Advent!
Martha, this is great! Can’t wait to watch it grow!
Thanks for all your love and support!
Thanks for putting this together. I am curious to watch it develop with your hand and God’s inspiration.
I appreciate your positive outlook, Larry. Will do my best for Him! I hope you enjoy it.